Learning to love my 'fro

Being a black girl your hair is something that holds a great deal of importance in our lives, the sitting on the floor between your mums legs while she combs and styles your hair for the next school week is a routine that we are all somewhat familiar with. But going to a predominantly white primary school  I always compared  my hair to the Caucasian girls I felt like my hair wasn't good enough, I remember complaining to my mum about how much I HATED my short kinky curly hair i would go on and on about how much I wanted long straight hair. When I was around 13 my mum finally let me relax my hair and I swear that was the worst mistake of my life, I would smother tons of brown gel full of alcohol( which is horrible for your hair btw) in  my hair and slick it up and had a synthetic ponytail. Some times I would blow dry my hair on the highest heat setting then straighten it and after I would curl it SMH.

So inevitably my hair ended up breaking and I already didn't have much so now I was completely hair less it was super short and damaged, So while I wore it protective styles like braids I made a promise to myself that I would never relax or straighten  my hair ever again and I would learn to love my natural hair.

I ended up rocking braids for most of my time in secondary school because even though id learned to accept my hair in its natural state I still didn't have the confidence to wear it out in an afro in all its glory.  The secondary school I went to was an all girls predominantly black school in south east London ( talk about contrast from primary) so most of the girls wore weave or had relaxed hair and I never had the confidence to be different I felt like the braids allowed me to conform  but with time as I got older I learnt to not care what anybody else thinks now I'm 18 rocking my natural hair in all kinds of buns ,twits, afros you can think of and I LOVE IT kinky curly hair makes me happy, now when I wear silky hair I never feel like myself. It took me hating and rejecting my hair for my to appreciate its beauty.

kinky curly clip ins that blend perfectly with my hair ( stress free fro)

In all its natural glory

Head wraps are the way forward when you're lazy like me
